Club hipic
Despre noi (About us) | Oferta noastra (Activities) | Localizare (Map) | Album foto (Gallery of Photos) | Parteneriat (Looking for)

Pagina dedicata celor pasionati de cai, echitatie, excursii... si nu numai!
            Bine ati venit                                             Welcome            
       in pagina noastra web!                                to our web site!
        Ne bucura vizita dvs.                             We are excited that
 Suntem aici pentru a va oferi                 you are visiting our web site.
  petrecerea  unor    momente             Our  company is here to provide
           placute  si  unice                                  unique adventures
          in  diferite  ocazii.                                  for  any  occasion.

Veti gasi in acest site                                       On this site you'll find 
toate informatiile necesare despre                     information about
activitatile noastre  si o descriere                      our activities and facilities,
a "pachetului" de servicii  pe care                     along with descriptions of
le promovam.                                                  our special getaway packages.

Club hipic
   Floresti, Cluj-Napoca
   str. Tautilor, nr.27
(spre Manastirea Floresti)
   jud. Cluj, Romania
tel: +4(0)744-810432 


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